Quality Control and Safety

At Cannon Coatings, we strive to minimize the development of occupational related illness through training, regulation, and appropriate PPE, in order to limit exposures and risk to all our employees and contractors; our team is like a family.

We are always working to develop standards and practices that include regular monitoring and surveillance of occupational exposure to chemical and physical hazards.

Our Safety Officer employs a proactive approach to health and safety management by implementing internal audits, inspections, and working closely with the Production Supervisor at each of our locations. Our aim is to always anticipate & prevent an incident, but when they occur, we have a protocol of examination, investigation, and mitigation (EIM).

Cannon is fortunately based in Southern Alberta, and within the scope of excellent external safety trainers. All Cannon employees receive company sponsored safety training related not just to their specific trade, but also the Oil & Gas industry. Gateway Safety Services has an excellent reputation across the province, and is our first stop for new hires and recertification.